
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Poetry by Afshan




The Lonely Soul of Happiness



-Afshan Asad Junaid






Just Because I was a Human Being

I was sitting under the hollow oak.

She chanced to pass by.

I lifted her to my palm.

Her eyes were full of contempt

As she glared at me,

Just because I was a human being.

On questioning I was told

That I was selfish, mean and heartless,

Ready to suck the blood of my

Fellow beings- like a leach,

Just because I was a human being.

She refused my hand of friendship

Without a thought.

She didn’t trust me.

She boasted and was right when she said

‘We are one.

At least we share whatever we have.

Never letting our kith and kin go hungry.

Whilst you are on the contrary,

Just because you are a human being.’

She walked away so coolly.

Still singing her praises; leaving me weak, helpless and ashamed.

Fancy me being mocked by an ANT

… Just because I was a human being!

He Doesn’t Have a Point to Prove

He feeds you with no intellectual philosophies.

He talks of life’s basics and simple things.

He cares not a damn about the ozone layer’s hole

…or if the global temperature rose.

He cares for daily bread alone.

‘Who attacked whom?’

Is none of his concern…

Iraq, Palestine, Armenia, Egypt,

 Ukraine, Syria, Sudan or Serbia…

He has to battle daily through life.

He doesn’t care two hoots

Whether leaves transpire or respire

He has to sweat hard to survive.

He’s bother not a bit about the extinction of whales.

His roof drips during rains.

His concern isn’t the Arms race.

His feet have blisters and no shoes.

Who is he?

He himself wouldn’t know

…Black, red, yellow or white!

What is he there for?

He doesn’t know-

He doesn’t have a point to prove.



Happiness has strange

and funny ways!

You keep hunting

for it all over.

It just never seems

 to come to you

Endless hours of efforts

 and wait

Go totally futile

 and waste.

Then suddenly it decides to pop up and out

Peeping like a child

From a remote corner

To fill your heart

with everlasting joy

and then it knows no bounds.

At times like that you wonder

Where did it hide all this time?

And now from where has it just appeared

Without a reason or rhyme!

Or, has it been all along?

…And you just didn’t realize!!!
Beautiful Day


The birds are chirping,

The sun is bright.

The sky is blue,

with plenty of light.

The pigeons so happy

 The robins so gay.

It is no doubt

A Beautiful Day!

The world is peaceful.

No sign of war.

All humans are happy.

Be near or far.

Children all smiling,

With safety supreme,

It’s definitely possible.

It’s not a dream.


The Lonely Soul of Happiness

The world- It’s so huge.

But then,

It has no place for me!

 The people in it…

Have to manage their jobs.

My family is so busy!

My friends far too lazy..

My acquaintances won’t ever be more than that.

My relatives won’t proceed from their idle chit chat.

The world- it is so vast.

But then,

It has no place for me!

How long can someone be ignored

And remain isolated from the rest?

How long can one be overlooked

Though one’s trying the very best?

Why in the world am I so brief?

Why such pain, agony and grief?

The world- It’s so large.

But then,

It has no place for me!

And yet, I keep on keeping on

…and will just never give up.


The thorns need the stem

Roots- soil.

The stars need the sky.

Men- toil.

The leaves need the branches

Rivers- bed.

The valleys need mountains.


Support and protection is

fundamental for existence.

A Peaceful earth is vital

for human sustenance.


What are we going to do about it?

The River


I adore the river

Just as I adore you.

So, it’s for you to infer

How much I care for you.

The swift flowing water

That’s a massive river!

White, pure as milk

Blue, smooth as silk.

I love each stone

That gives it the appearance.

I love each mountain

Responsible for its existence.

It laughs and giggles

It roars and trickles.

If you ever chance to peep

You’ll also love the river deep.


The Yellow Tree


Amongst all of them

It stands out by itself.

Yes yellow…

Among all the green.

Beaten down by the autumn winds

Its leaves withering away

Leaving it bare and feeble

Hither and thither they sway.

“Come, shade ‘n’ help me,” it creaks

With no one to care.

It stands there for granted

Ignored by the fair.

The blooming flowers of the others

How they mock at it!

‘Hey! You’re the odd one out…

We’ve got nothing to share!’

So there it’s standing

Waiting for a friendly face.

In that arrogant valley

-such a thing is rare.


Don’t know where I lost myself

Some distant past

Some distant time

…just lost myself.

Gone are days of spontaneity

The giggles, the laughter,

Having the sheer joy

… of being together.

Trying hard to be or not to be

Someone I’m not,

   And can never be…

I just lost myself.

They tell me “You laugh no more,

You aren’t yourself.

You talk not how it used to be…

What can I say- “I lost myself!”

To strong arms

And strange ways

Of  pretence…

Arrogance, ignorance.

In a world unknown that’s now my own

A way of life I so despise

of gossip, lies and idle talk

I’m lost…and that’s a sad demise.



The fear in me is growing strong,

That you’ll be mine no more.

I look solicitously out of my window-

Wanting, waiting for you.

But all I see is a bare, dreary yard.

My eyes ache for your sight.

And then when I see you-

You have your back towards me

And you are constantly moving on

So far away from me…

Not turning back to look

at my flooded red eyes.

Then suddenly you swagger

Out of my sight –forever.

And then I’m left all by myself

..lonely, isolated, forlorn.

Still looking at the path

You moved on- a little while ago-

In the hope that you’ll return on the same path

And ask me once more to fill your vacant heart – forever.

A Special Someone

May I tell you what you are?

You are understanding, talented and funny,

My darling! You’re a jar of honey.

Equitable, kind, decent and loving,

Adorable, profound, witty and caring.

Rare, sagacious, noble and friendly,

Earnest, true, helpful and lovely.

So much more there is to say that

Words are lacking in every way.

Magnificent friend, if only you knew

Oration is not appropriate for you.

I can go on for hours about your grace,

Presence of yours, lights up every face.

Do never change from what you are.

You profess happiness near and afar.

You are someone special to me.



 What is it that makes me behave in the manner I do?

What is it that always makes me miss you?

What is it that makes me feel jealous?

What is it that makes my feelings so obvious?

What’s within me wanting to be closer to you?

What’s within me longing for your love and you?

What’s there making me all the more possessive?

What’s making me sick of myself… always so pensive?

What makes me so incomplete…needing your constant help?

What is it that makes me so emotional when I don’t want to?

What is it that soothes my mind whenever I think of you?

What makes me want to tell you all my thoughts?

What makes me want to submit myself to all your NOTs?

What is it that often makes me so lively?

What is it that makes me place you so highly?

There is hope in my mind

You’ll always be kind.

Answering all my quests

Freeing my mind of all such tests.


                            I Ask for Your Love


When I’m disappointed, distressed and frustrated,

My only want is –Your Love.

I need your shoulder to lean on to,

All I long for is –Your Love.

I need you!!

I need to share my happiness with you.

My earnest request is- Your Love.

I can’t endure anguish and despair.

I only desire- Your Love.

My only fear is repudiation.

Do promise me- Your Love!


My Precious Love


You’re a treasure

I keep forever,

You’re a spring

That always blooms,

You’re an ocean

That dries up never

You’re far too precious for me, my love.

You’re a valley


You’re a mountain

-stable forever.

You’re as valuable

 -as aquamarine.

You’re far too precious for me, my love.

You’re unique

-with amazing physique.

You’re far too precious for me, my love.


Your Eyes


They are expressive.

The depths of your being are revealed in them.

Your sharp intellect

They reflect.

The way you make jokes…

They laugh.

They are at their best when wet…

They are adorned.

When you smile genuinely

They twinkle.

They are astonished and seem so…

They are inquiring.

They love to be aware…

They are inquisitive.

They are much better than you

At least they show what they feel.

I can see in them clearly…

The love you bear for me.

They are serious and thoughtful…

They are beautiful!



Without You


The mountains will not seem Royal anymore,

The chirping birds- will have no melody,

The enchanting rainbow- I’ll no more adore.

This place is going to be so horrible.

The deception, emptiness of people is unbearable.

The fun and frolic vanishing

It’ll be an awful thing.

Your thoughts so intensely will cloud my mind.

Your love, care and friendship, I’ll never forget

…You are just ONE OF A KIND!

I hope not to be ever forgotten

As friends that are true –are impossible to find.

With a smile on my face I shall bid you Goodbye.

Though in my heart… I’ll surely cry.

Without you

this world will be

 beautiful no more!


All I’ve ever given you is –tears.

All I’ve done is –induce pain.

All I did was- make you feel defeated.

My gifts- so striking- how can you like me?

My doubts- never ending-How do you forgive me?

My friendship- is a remarkable test of patience.

I couldn’t ever cope with a friend like ‘me’.

I apologize for the numerous times

I’ve failed to make you happy.

My sadistic tendencies overpowered me.

How I hate myself for my complexes

Weaknesses, drawbacks and my

Totally pessimistic nature.

Only ungrateful and wicked people

Make caring and loving friend suffer so much

…And that’s what I used to do.

Had I Known


Had I known- there’s someone wonderful

I’d have loved my life.

Had I known- there’s someone who needs me

I’d have treasured it.

Had I known- that I’m much loved

I’d be solitary no more.

Had I known, Oh! Had I known…

I’d have done so much.

Nothing is lost in knowing now,

today, this very minute.

Everything that could have been

Could still be a possibility…


There is a time when you want but cannot get.

There is a time when you want but cannot give.

There is a time when you want but cannot go.

There is a time when you want but cannot call.

In such times what do you do?

There is a place where you want but cannot be.

There is a place where you want but cannot build.

There is a place where all is perfect,

Just as you want it to be…

Where do you find such a place?

There is a moment when you feel you want to fly.

There is a moment when you feel you want to cry.

There is a moment when you feel the world must end up now.

How do you wait for that moment?

There is a person you think about, oft in your dreams.

A person like whom, one before has never been.

There is a person you want so much to understand.

When do you find such a person?

There is a goal you’re aiming for.

There is a soul you’re yearning for.

There is a moment you’re waiting for.

My First Love

He is my first love…

I’ve never told him so.

I’ve never talked in this regard

And I’ll never let him know.

I cannot account for the date and time

It happened in a trance.

Amazing! How quickly I lost my heart

It’s all a matter of chance.

There is no point in praising him

He is too good for words.

Now everything seems nice to me

even the chirping birds.

I do not see him often now..

fate playing its tricks on me.

I never knew I’ll miss him so

But, that’s how it turned out to be.

I really wish I could somehow know

Of what he thinks of me

Not that it’ll make a difference to me

… my love’s as deep as the sea.

I dream of him so often now

And wake up with a start.

Each passing day confirms again

My first love will be my last.
Love You


He said he loved me!

Believe it or not…

After the longest wait ever!

At the time I needed it most.

Didn’t I say he’s most considerate?

Wasn’t I sure he’s understanding?

Come to think of it…

I’d lost all hope.

A time I was sure he’d say

‘Oh! Let’s forget it all.

Never mind, that’s what’s our fate……’

Hey Grand! He finally said

The words I longed to hear…

He said he loved me!!



There are times

When I sit and wonder

What I have done.

Times when I look back days gone by.

I must be very lucky

To have you for a friend.

There are times

When I feel

On top of the world!

Times when there is

Brightness all around.

In my head I often fly

My feet above the ground.

Those are signs of the greatest joy

Felt only when friends are true.

I am a blessed soul in the truest sense

To have a friend like you.


Love Struck


You are sometimes so happy

That you want to touch the clear blue sky.

You want to capture the rainbow

In your arms and make it fly.

You’re sometimes so desperate

That you don’t know what to do.

Your heart feels like bursting

And makes you feel so very blue.

You are sometimes so excited

That you want the whole world to know

You emit happiness and want no one

To ever feel low.

You are sometimes so sad that

You want to cry out loud.

Can’t endure the sorrow and pain

Your mind is in a cloud.

You’re sometimes so kind that

You give away all that you possess.

To fulfill everyone and

See no one at any duress.

When you feel all that

Just understand that you’re LOVE STRUCK!

Strange are you- Oh Memories!

You haunt me all the time.

Bringing with you each moment vividly

You make me smile, you smirk at me.

You make me cry, you cry with me.

Memories- why are you there?

To prick at my shattered feelings

To bring back all the pain

To intensify my desires

When I know it’s all in vain.

Strange are those experiences

Seldom satisfying.

Hitting hard at my ego.

Yet pleasant sometimes.

Reliving every moment

Tears my heart apart

Those words that I have uttered

Are the last ones to depart…

Can I throw you away- Oh memories!

Why do I nurture you so true?

You strengthen me at times

At others cripple me through and through.

I try the level best in me to push you far away.

Instead, you steadfast in me- with every passing day.


 In moments when you feel lonely

Sit back awhile.

Close your eyes to the crowded world

Think of me.

All the nice things we’ve said together

The memories we shared

Think of those and many more

That happened to you before.

Like the cool breeze of the morning

When you went out for a walk

The warmth that the first sunbeam brings

The relentless love- of your shadow.

You’ll feel much better, I know

Like when you chance upon a rainbow.

Visualize the things you like best

The people you adore

And all the loneliness will fizzle away

Like the big round bubbles you blow.

 Self Assessment

Aren’t you a weird kind of a person?

Yes, I wonder quite often.

Everything you do has a difference.

They say, ‘Each person is unique.’

But, are you not queer?

When you make a friend

Or you think you have.

You shower all affection.

If you respect someone

You want to give your all.

When you feel you’re wanted somewhere

You try be there for as long and more.

If certain things seem to need your time

You’re patient till YOU are a patient.

Your sensitivity

Is absurdity

-In today’s selfish world.

And yet you just keep going on..

No wonder “You are weird!”

Love Letter

On the eve of Valentine Day

She sat down with a pen

Thinking she’d write to her love.

So overwhelmed was she

That she couldn’t think of a line

Words vanished from her mind.

In desperation she could see

On the empty page

Life unfold one by one

Like a reel.

She pondered..

trying to pen them down.

Alas! She could only feel.

Just then the doorbell rang.

She rushed to the door bare feet.

On opening it she saw

It was ‘him’…Oh wow! What a treat!

Crazy About You 

Like a sentimental idiot

I sit here

Thinking of all the events

That took place

When you were around

Going over each card

A million, zillion time…

Daydreaming all the while.

I was aware that you can be blinded

And be crazy in love.

but when it actually happens

you end up feeling so helpless.

It’s like losing all control

Over one’s own self

Wandering like a lost soul

In thoughts and actions on the whole.

What’s come over me?

I don’t really know..

I think I’m crazy about you.

As Long as I Have You!

As long as I have you nothing else matters.

I can surmount all odds

I can conquer grief and tackle all problems

I can fight every difficulty

As long as I have You!

I can be happy anywhere

Be the place dull or bright

Be there hail be there storm

Be there rain be there snow

As long as I have You!

We can work things out together

No matter what’s wrong

Whether it’s the falling sky

Or just a day forlorn

As long as I have You!

I can climb up the rainbow

Or pluck the stars that glow

Let imagination go wild

Or act like a little child

As long as I have You!

Lyrics keep going crazy -the words have lost control

My world seems topsy turvy - I seem to have lost all hold

Yet nothing seems to matter

As long as I have You!

I told you what I thought of you before.

I told you all the nasty names I called you with.

All the hatred, swears and curses I showered lavishly on you all this while!

Little did I know that one fine day

I’ll be a hopeless romantic about you…

Well! You’ve done it now in case you didn’t know.

It’s become impossible for me to concentrate

On anything but you!

Each and every thought

Every moment of the day

Is completely filled with your memories.

Your face is there before my eyes and I dream with them open all the time.

What do I do?

I miss you so much that you can’t ever imagine

I’ve never felt this way…

It’s crazy and yet so secure

I’m sure.

And so everyday

I thank my stars for You…


On the Path of Life

Do walk with me

Hand in hand

Be times good or bad

Be the going rough

Or be it tough

On the path of life!

We’ll find our own niche’

Without a glitch

We’ll know the joy of living.

In our togetherness

We will learn the art of sharing and giving.

If the road gets narrow or long

Do always remember

Together we belong

So do reach out

And never doubt

Do walk hand in hand

On the path of life

…with me!


Tell me

How does it feel to be loved?

How does it feel to lie back

On a cool summer night

And count the endless stars?

How does it feel to know

That somewhere, someone

Misses you every moment?

How does it feel to be in love?

Thinking of someone you never knew

Wondering about them all the time

And dream of them so often.

It’s wonderful to feel secure

To know you’ll not be lonely anymore.

Tell me…do you feel the same?


In a crazy world

Have you ever thought

You’d come across

People who care?

When you’re down in the dumps

Your spirits are low

There are those who hold your hand.

Times when you

Didn’t even tell them

That something was wrong.

They’d just understand

 and then

Without mentioning a word to you

They’d do the best at hand.

Teeny weeny actions

Here and there

Wondrous surprises

You’d love to share.

They’d make each effort

To put things right

Just to make your future bright.

You feel lucky to have people who care…



Here I am in a crazy world.

Just ended up here.

A place so alien.

One day I happened to open my eyes

To a world full of strangers.

Not a day has passed

When I want to run fast

And back to you your strong arms.

I hate it all this different world

Although it’s full of charms.

The length of space

And time between

Will it ever surpass?

I wish I’ll be able to

Be with you

At last!



Peep Within


How does one run away

From one’ s own self?

When past pulls you hard

Into the depths of known

You hold yourself tight.

The present

Stares you in the eyes.

The unknown vastness

Of the future

Scares you no end.

Will you ever

Let go

Of the things you cherish

Even today?

Maybe, maybe not..

It all depends.

On What?

No answer to that.

“Have faith and hope,” they tell you so

Isn’t what they said in the past?

What are you going to do about it?

I Cannot Explain


What do you say?

When asked repeatedly

Of what is it

That you see in someone.

They pester

And you try

What’s so special

And what’s unique

And what’s the reason why…

The answers to their constant demands

Has really no limitation.

All you can say now

At this point is

 ‘Love has no explanation!’


Hang on

Hang on a minute

I need your help.

Didn’t you promise to walk with me

On the sharp thorns of life?

Didn’t you say you’d stand by me

Through the thick and thin?

Didn’t you make the predictions of

What I’ll do and won’t?

In case you’ve forgotten

I’m still around

Standing now all alone.

All I need here at this point

Is the extra ounce of courage

The one you always promised me

the one that you encourage.

Confused as Ever


What is right?

Who are we anyway to decide?

What makes you feel

Whoever decided ‘what is right’

Is the right person to decide?

Who am I?

I thought I knew that a while ago.

“Time”- does it matter if it has passed?

Aren’t we here in any case to vile it away?

Want..competition..desire ..ambition

What’s the difference if you have one or don’t?

The goals begin and end up here.

Hold On

Capture every rainbow,

Catch every falling star.

Save every firefly.

You never know

When on a rainy day

You might need them all.

Troubles come in a row

They can’t be predicted

They never stay forever

In time they all go.

So cheer up today

And never lose heart

See the silver lining

Around every dark cloud

Wait for fair weather patiently

Till the music gets loud.

Joy will come easy

To you and to me

Spread wings of hope

And mirth you shall see.


The Best is Yet to Come

 Don’t be disheartened

It’s all right

Why bother about

What could have happened

If it did not happen?

Why blame ourselves

It’s not our fault!

And who knows

Maybe whatever happened

actually happened for the best.

And if hope and happiness

Were dependent on such occurrences

Few people in the world

Would be happy today

So, don’t bother your head

And never lose hope

‘cause the Best is Yet to Come!




1 comment:

  1. My dearest friend, so happy to see your lovely precious poems on your blog! As always, the words are simple but the way they are used are beautiful. God bless you, and looking forward to reading more!


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